(+49) 9566 9224 - 0 info@hamuel.de


Tai­lor-Made for the Auto­mo­tive Industry

Our busi­ness phi­los­o­phy con­sists in devel­op­ing lines that appeal to our tar­get groups. Nor­mal­ly, to achieve this goal we base the con­cept for each line on our mod­u­lar sys­tem. In oth­er words, we select the opti­mum series and mod­i­fy its tech­ni­cal equip­ment to cus­tomise the machine in such a way that it per­fect­ly meets the require­ments of the respec­tive client. For the first time our approach has been dif­fer­ent in the case of the TUBE. The auto­mo­tive indus­try has sev­er­al pecu­liar­i­ties which we want to accommodate.

Glob­al play­ers in this indus­try must be extreme­ly flex­i­ble, not only in terms of their range of prod­ucts, but also where the pro­duc­tion sites are con­cerned. A relo­ca­tion can imply trans­port­ing many machines and lines. In doing so, inter­na­tion­al stan­dards will have to be observed, mean­ing that, apart from safe­ty, the focus will also have to be on the ease of transportation.

Configuration examples


Tai­lor-Made for the Auto­mo­tive Industry