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Work­pieces Show What the Machine Can Do

Equipped with a car­dan­ic work­ing head, the basic VISION is trans­formed into the VISION Sprint to pro­vide small and medi­um-sized join­ery and inte­ri­or design com­pa­nies with low cost access into 3‑dimensional machin­ing. The VISION Sprint unlocks the unique poten­tial that high-speed 5‑axis machin­ing offers.

The posi­tion­ing accu­ra­cy of the work­ing aggre­gate means that the VISION Sprint is excel­lent­ly suit­ed to the require­ments of stair and door pro­duc­tion. The two swiv­el­ling axes are inclined at 45° to one anoth­er and, with opti­mum tool length, their cen­tre axes inter­sect at the work­ing point of the tool. By this prin­ci­ple the posi­tion of the work­ing point does not change when swiv­el­ling in space, which means that no com­pen­sa­tion move­ment in the lin­ear axes is nec­es­sary. Thus the work­ing area of the machine is only slight­ly reduced by the employed tool length when in the hor­i­zon­tal position.

The proven VISION machin­ing cen­tre already has an impres­sive track record of suc­cess in many demand­ing appli­ca­tions around the world. And, like all Reichen­bach­er Hamuel machines, the VISION fea­tures out­stand­ing machine rigid­i­ty – the basis for pre­ci­sion machin­ing. To meet the mar­ket chal­lenges of today, and tomor­row, we have devel­oped two new VISION mod­els; the VISION‑U and VISION‑L.

A major fea­ture of these machines is that they can be sup­plied with a choice of table dimen­sions and a wide vari­ety of dif­fer­ent heads. These fea­tures can be com­bined for sin­gle and par­al­lel machin­ing with up to two inde­pen­dent Y‑slides. It is pos­si­ble to use dif­fer­ent work­ing heads next to each oth­er or one behind the oth­er, thanks to the extreme­ly rigid machine con­struc­tion. For exam­ple, two big 5‑axis heads with com­pre­hen­sive addi­tion­al equip­ment would cov­er many dif­fer­ent appli­ca­tion fields.

Configuration examples


Work­pieces Show What the Machine Can Do

