(+49) 9566 9224 - 0 info@hamuel.de


Progress based on tradition

In our glob­alised econ­o­my, the effi­cient util­i­sa­tion of syn­er­gies with­in a group of com­pa­nies will bring deci­sive advan­tages for the cus­tomer, above all from the point of view of cost min­imi­sa­tion and process opti­mi­sa­tion. „Togeth­er the parts make a giant,“ is a phrase, Mar­cus Bach, man­ag­ing direc­tor of the group, inter­prets for the SCHERDEL­Group as follows:

“The pool­ing of knowl­edge from the var­i­ous process tech­nolo­gies spe­cif­ic to the high­ly spe­cialised sub­sidiaries of the group results in remark­able syn­er­gies. As a group we do not only pos­sess com­pre­hen­sive know-how, but also the cor­re­spond­ing resources to elab­o­rate and imple­ment „best-fit-solu­tions”.”

Facts and Figures


pro­duc­tion plants


of sales were invested


Mio. € sales (ful­ly consolidated)


130 years of experience

The ori­gins of the com­pa­ny date back to 1890:
in this year Sig­mund Scherdel found­ed a wire draw­ing mill in Mark­tred­witz and ini­tial­ly pro­duced wire for the man­u­fac­ture of piano strings. Very quick­ly, it was then decid­ed to fur­ther process wire into tech­ni­cal springs. To this day, the tra­di­tion­al fam­i­ly com­pa­ny is ful­ly owned by the found­ing fam­i­ly and has earned a firm place among the Ger­man world mar­ket leaders.

approx. 270




Global Presence

Europe, South America, Asia

In order to achieve the com­pa­ny tar­get “Keen cus­tomers”, SCHERDEL accom­pa­nies its cus­tomers to oth­er coun­tries and is cur­rent­ly present not only in Europe, but also on the fast grow­ing mar­kets of the future in South Amer­i­ca, East­ern Europe and Asia. Pro­duc­tion sites in twelve coun­tries guar­an­tee a world-wide sup­ply of SCHERDEL pre­mi­um prod­ucts. How­ev­er pro­duc­tion, research and devel­op­ment still con­cen­trate their activ­i­ties around the Mark­tred­witz site.

12 countries




Frankre­ich: L’Ar­bresle, Beauvais
Por­tu­gal: S. J. da Madeira
Rus­s­land: Kaluga
Slowakei: Myjava
Tschechien: Bor


Brasilien: Soro­ca­ba
Mexiko: Silao
USA: Muskegon


Chi­na: Anqing, Huzhou
Japan: Nagoya
Indi­en: Jaipur

approx. 6.800

employ­ees worldwide

Business Performance

Prox­im­i­ty to the cus­tomer, flex­i­bil­i­ty & intuition

Around the world, SCHERDEL‘s strengths are its prox­im­i­ty to cus­tomers and its good sense of what the mar­ket needs. This allows us to react dynam­i­cal­ly and sus­tain­ably to small and big mar­ket move­ments. Our strong sales per­for­mance shows: The great flex­i­bil­i­ty and high devel­op­ment poten­tial with­in the SCHERDELGroup ensure suc­cess. As a suc­cess­ful tech­ni­cal prob­lem solver we have been present for decades among the world mar­ket lead­ers with many prod­ucts. Our max­im is: Region­al­ly based. Glob­al­ly present.

6 Billion

springs and stamp­ings produced

used in 80% worldwide

of all pas­sen­ger cars and util­i­ty vehicles

Progress based on tradition

from asia to the markets of the future

In the field of met­al form­ing of wire and strip, the SCHERDELGroup offers the com­plete prod­uct range and is one of the lead­ing man­u­fac­tur­ers of tech­ni­cal springs. Present at 32 loca­tions world­wide, SCHERDEL man­u­fac­tures prod­ucts for all major auto­mo­tive man­u­fac­tur­ers. At least one part man­u­fac­tured by SCHERDEL is installed in every vehi­cle pro­duced in Europe.