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Additive manufacturing systems

A new era begins

Addi­tive man­u­fac­tur­ing has been the talk of the town for many years, and the top­ic will con­tin­ue to gain momen­tum because the poten­tial appli­ca­tions for 3D com­po­nents are vir­tu­al­ly unlimited.

The auto­mo­tive indus­try and its sup­pli­ers, the avi­a­tion, con­sumer goods and toy indus­tries, mold mak­ing (rapid tool­ing) and med­ical tech­nol­o­gy — all have been using 3D com­po­nents for a long time. Inter­est in the quick­ly and cost-effec­tive­ly pro­duced com­po­nents will also grow in many oth­er indus­tries, such as art, archi­tec­ture or land­scape design.

We offer the fol­low­ing process­es for indus­tri­al users:

  • Selec­tive laser melt­ing processes
  • Hybrid man­u­fac­tur­ing technologies
  • Laser cladding
Picture of the 5-axis machining center VISION-III-U

AMS 400

Unlimited 3D printing by seamless process integration

The AMS 400 real­izes large build­ing vol­umes on an indus­tri­al scale. The sys­tem per­mits the smooth access to metal­lic 3D print­ing and the pro­duc­tion of small-series parts by addi­tive manufacturing.

Picture of the 5-axis machining center VISION-III-U

AMS 800

The concept for large building volumes in metallic printing

Devel­oped based on the pow­der bed­ding process and fur­ther pro­cess­ing by laser melt­ing (LM), the AMS 800 is par­tic­u­lar­ly suit­able for the safe and reli­able pro­duc­tion of large-vol­ume met­al workpieces.

Picture of the 5-axis machining center VISION-III-U


Custom-fit solutions for additive and subtractive manufacturing

The HybriDX-LT rep­re­sents the per­fect com­bi­na­tion of large-for­mat indus­tri­al 3D print­ing and a post-pro­cess­ing sys­tem by milling. The machine con­cept meets the pro­duc­tion require­ments of a large num­ber of inno­v­a­tive com­po­nents and prototypes.

Picture of the 5-axis machining center VISION-III-U


Laser cladding

Hybrid man­u­fac­tur­ing is a high­ly flex­i­ble sys­tem for repair­ing worn parts, requir­ing only a frac­tion of the ener­gy, time and cost com­pared to man­u­fac­tur­ing new parts.

Picture of the 5-axis machining center VISION-III-U


Industrial high-speed 3D printer

By virtue of its large build­ing vol­ume, high-qual­i­ty insu­la­tion, inno­v­a­tive con­struc­tion space heat­ing and advanced print­ing head tech­nol­o­gy, this high-speed print­er sets com­plete­ly new stan­dards and meets the high­est demands of indus­tri­al mechan­i­cal engineering.

Your contact for additive manufacturing

Dr. Alexan­der Kawal­la-Nam
Head of Addi­tive Man­u­fac­tur­ing Technology

Mobile: +49 160 98923037

Tel.: +49 9561 599–116
Fax: +49 9561 599–199

E‑Mail: alexander.kawalla-nam@reichenbacher.de

Group photo of the Additive Manufacturing team: f.l.t.r.: Jurij Welk, Lukas Gahn, Dieter Vonderlind, Johannes Reiser, Dr. Alexander Kawalla-Nam

f.l.t.r.: Jurij Welk, Lukas Gahn, Dieter Von­der­lind, Johannes Reis­er, Dr. Alexan­der Kawalla-Nam

The Additive Manufacturing Team

Um ein Pro­duk­t­port­fo­lio mit USP zu bekom­men, müssen wir die Anforderun­gen vom Markt und von den Kun­den sehr genau wahrnehmen und mit geeigneten Maß­nah­men gewährleis­ten, dass unsere Ken­nt­nisse bei den Maschine­nen­twick­lun­gen einfließen.

Unsere Arbeit ist ein lebendi­ger Prozess, der Syn­ergien schafft, denn wir nutzen das Know-how der Kon­struk­teure von Reichen­bach­er, die wiederum von unserem Fach­wis­sen prof­i­tieren. Somit kön­nen wir die Pro­duk­te kon­tinuier­lich opti­mieren und vorantreiben und Neuen­twick­lun­gen forcieren, um auf dem Markt wet­tbe­werb­s­fähig zu sein.

Um dies zu gewährleis­ten, wird das Kern­team um Dr. Kawal­la-Nam, Steven Schmidt und Lukas Gahn von drei weit­eren Kol­le­gen unter­stützt: Johannes Reis­er, tech­nis­ch­er Ver­trieb und Key Account, Dieter Von­der­lind, Mon­tage und Fer­ti­gung, und Jurij Welk, Soft­ware und Stan­dar­d­isierung, der im Bere­ich SPS und Soft­wa­reen­twick­lung unterstützt.