(+49) 9566 9224 - 0 info@hamuel.de

The HSC-Specialist

Advantage through experience

HAMUEL Maschi­nen­bau GmbH & Co. KG in Meed­er is a spe­cial­ist in the field of high-speed cut­ting (HSC) tech­nol­o­gy and pro­duces mate­r­i­al-opti­mized CNC machin­ing cen­ters that are used to machine com­po­nents made of steel, cast mate­ri­als, tita­ni­um, Inconel, light met­als and com­pos­ite materials.

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The latest from the trade press

4 new trainees in the group of companies of Reichenbacher-Hamuel

4 new trainees in the group of companies of Reichenbacher-Hamuel

Start of appren­tice­ship at the Reichen­bach­er-Hamuel group of com­pa­nies: Off to pro­fes­sion­al life! We wel­come a total of 4 new trainees, includ­ing an elec­tron­ics tech­ni­cian, two mecha­tron­ics tech­ni­cians and an indus­tri­al clerk. We wish the new trainees a good start and…

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Application report on a HAMUEL HSTM 150 S2 milling machine

Application report on a HAMUEL HSTM 150 S2 milling machine

Uti­lize com­pet­i­tive advan­tages! The 5‑axis machin­ing cen­ter HSTM with hor­i­zon­tal work­piece arrange­ment is par­tic­u­lar­ly suit­able for machin­ing tur­bine and com­pres­sor blades, blisks and/or cen­trifu­gal com­pres­sors. The UT-Tm®-Basic-Compact Sys­tem device is used to…

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5 new trainees in the group of companies of Reichenbacher-Hamuel

5 new trainees in the group of companies of Reichenbacher-Hamuel

Today, a total of five new trainees start­ed their career at Reichen­bach­er Hamuel. The trainee posi­tions include two mecha­tron­ics engi­neers, one indus­tri­al mechan­ic, one indus­tri­al clerk and one elec­tron­ics tech­ni­cian for indus­tri­al engi­neer­ing. We extend a warm…

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