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Application report on a HAMUEL HSTM 150 S2 milling machine

19. July 2021

Uti­lize com­pet­i­tive advan­tages! The 5‑axis machin­ing cen­ter HSTM with hor­i­zon­tal work­piece arrange­ment is par­tic­u­lar­ly suit­able for machin­ing tur­bine and com­pres­sor blades, blisks and/or cen­trifu­gal compressors.

The UT-Tm®-Basic-Compact Sys­tem device is used to mon­i­tor tools on cut­ting machines. The oper­a­tion is very sim­ple and only minor adjust­ments have to be made in the CNC program.

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