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New Stan­dard for the Wood­work­ing Trade

The 5‑axis CNC machin­ing cen­tre OPUS makes it easy for the wood­work­ing trade to get start­ed with inno­v­a­tive CNC tech­nol­o­gy. Hand­i­craft busi­ness­es with rather lim­it­ed space in the work­shop will be thrilled, because this is pre­cise­ly where the OPUS is unri­valled. Thanks to its com­pact design and the typ­i­cal Reichen­bach­er safe­ty con­cept with bumpers, the sys­tem is a real space saver and at the same time per­mits free acces­si­bil­i­ty for the load­ing and oper­a­tion of the machine.

This 5‑axis machine guar­an­tees tech­no­log­i­cal progress, as you work faster, more flex­i­bly, more pre­cise­ly and, thanks to mech­a­ni­sa­tion, more com­pet­i­tive­ly. The robust work­ing unit and the high inher­ent rigid­i­ty of the machine por­tal enable machin­ing at high dynam­ics and at the same time guar­an­tee an excel­lent sur­face qual­i­ty. The OPUS is avail­able in two dif­fer­ent table ver­sions (man­u­al beam table from Schmalz or grooved table ) and in four dif­fer­ent table lengths.

Configuration examples


New Stan­dard for the Wood­work­ing Trade